Allows to get / set whenever player can respawn after death.
Allows to get / set whenever player can respawn after death.
Allows to get / set whenever it is possible to trade with selected character (player or NPC).
Allows to get / set whenever it is possible to trade with selected character (player or NPC).
Allows to get / set the description of the target entity.
Allows to get / set the description of the target entity.
Returns an array of currently equipped items of a character. Equipment are items placed in Head, Body, Legs, Feet, Back and Accessory slots.
Allows to get / set whenever a character has the flying ability. Force true / false will override current flight state. Default will return the state before this instruction was used. So if player had flight granted by a potion, he will retain it.
Allows to get / set whenever a character has the flying ability. Force true / false will override current flight state. Default will return the state before this instruction was used. So if player had flight granted by a potion, he will retain it.
Allows to **set/**get the default hp regeneration of the character.
Allows to **set/**get the default hp regeneration of the character.
Get/set health bar visibility of the target entity.
Get/set health bar visibility of the target entity.
Allows to get / set hitpoints (health) of target entity.
Allows to get / set hitpoints (health) of target entity.
Allows to get / set whenever an entity can be destroyed or not.
Allows to get / set whenever an entity can be destroyed or not.
Returns an array of all items that are in the inventory of a character. Works only with players and NPCs
Returns all labels attached to an entity as an array.
Allows to get / set the max hit points of the target entity.
Allows to get / set the max hit points of the target entity.
Allows to get / set name of target entity.
Allows to get / set name of target entity.
Returns how many times can player still respawn after death.
Returns role of target character.
Returns team of target character.
Returns thetype of selected entity, e.g ylandium crystal.
Allows to add Storage to target entity.
Allows to attach Label to target entity.
Allows to change role of target character.
Allows to change team of target character.
Will reduce hitpoints of target entity by given amount.
Instantly destroy target entity without visual and sound effect and leave no loot.
Will disable all entity interactions.
Instantly destroy target entity with visual and sound effects* and leave no loot.
Automatically equips selected item in to target slot of a character, e.g helmet will be placed to head slot.
Allows to force a character in to the flight mode.
Exerts the initial force on target player character, forcing the character to ragdoll.
Returns color of selected color channel of target entity.
Returns currently equipped item in selected inventory slot* of a character.
Returns whether selected immunity override is active onto character .
Returns current speed bonus of character movement.
Returns selected resistance of the target entity against the specific type of damage.
Returns whether selected character state is active.
Returns whether the character has selected immunity type, regardless if it was forced from script or obtained by drinking a potion.
Returns whether the entity has selected label attached.
Returns whether the target character has selected Player role assigned .
Returns whether the target entity has selected Storage assigned.
Returns whether the target character has selected team assigned.
Returns whether the selected entity is of certain class, e.g workstation.
Returns whenever selected color channel of target entity can be changed.
Returns whether the target equipment slot of the target character is locked.
Returns whether target entity type matches selected type.
Instantly destroy target entity with visual and sound effects* but leave loot.
Allows to lock / unlock equipment slot of a character.
Allows to apply one color on to all color channels of target object, with paint splash effect.
Allows to apply a color on to selected color channel of target object, with paint splash effect.
Allows to remove Label from target entity.
Allows to remove Storage from target entity.
Respawns the target player.
Allows to revert selected color channels of the target entity.
Reverts all color channels of target object to default color, without paint splash effect.
Allows to set custom interaction onto an entity. Hint - text displayed over the entity. Id - identifier used to distinguish interactions (optional). Override default - whenever the interaction will be added to already existing interaction. Work only for charters.
Will reset entity interactions to default state.
Allows to set character immunity override.
Allows to equip an item to selected character hotbar slot.
Allows to set bonus to the speed of character movement.
Allows to set the resistance of the target entity against the specific type of damage.
Allows to set the current character state.
Allows to revert selected color channel of target object, with paint splash effect.
Reverts all color channels of target object to default color, with paint splash effect.
Returns whether the target object is entity or not.
Allows to spawn selected entity Template in to a container.
Allows to spawn selected entity Template at specific position in the world.
Allows to spawn selected entity Prototype at specific position in the world.
Allows to spawn entity from a Prototype to a container.
Throws a projectile spawned from the entity template.
Generated using TypeDoc
Returns item currently held in players hand